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Water max pH

Water max pH is for use with pesticides/fertilizers to improve spray water quality by softening and buffering spray water to pH 5.5-6.0, in order to optimise uptake and performance.



  • ​Prevents pesticides breakdown in the spray tank with high pH water - pH5.5-6 is ideal for most pesticides

  • Prevents hard water cations "locking up" the pesticide which prevent the absorption into leaves

  • Prevents the formation of scum on the walls of the spray tank

  • Reduces foams formation in the tank

  • Maximises pesticides and fertilizers availability for uptake into the leaf for effective performance

  • Improver of mixture compatibility


Use rates

50-100 mL/100L


Recommendations for use:

An adjuvant is used in conjunction with pesticides/fertilizers to increase their effectiveness. Easy to use, easy to mix and dissolve in water. 


Application technology:

Pour Water max pH in the atomizer before adding other products. Dosage varies according to water pH and initial hardness: approximately 50–100 mL/100L of product are suggested to reach pH values of about 5.5–6.

As the product is added, the solution gradually changes its colour: a pH grading scale shows the shades of colour corresponding to each pH value.

Fill the sprayer tank ½ full with water add Water max pH and add pesticides/fertilisers while the mixer is running. 

Package sizes

5L, 10L, 20L, 200L, 1000L


Data sheets


Refer to specimen label and safety data sheet for more information about this product.


Please contact us for further details.​​

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